Saturday, February 19, 2011


If I asked you to care,
Would you dare?
If I cried,
Would you be there for me?
If I were to ask you for a friend,
Would you be one to me?
If I cry,
Will you cry with me?
If you ask for help,
I'll be there.
If you cry,
I'll make you laugh.
If you die
You’ll go to heaven
And hopefully wait for me.
If I die,
I’ll go to heaven
And wait for you.
If you leave,
I will follow.
If you’re lost,
I will guide you.
If I tell you a secret,
Would you keep it?
If I fall,
Will you help me up?
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow,
What would you do?
If you live to be 100 years,
I want to live to be 100 minus one because…
I can’t live a day without you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So it is almost Valentine's day...A day I used to boycott in grade school as well as just object to.  I feel the idea of Valentine's day is not heartfelt...To me when you love someone you should show them some form of love and appreciation everyday, not just one day out of the year.  To me it is a huge Hallmark holiday.  Although I do not whole heartedly believe in the idea of Valentine's day, I do respect that others do and it is a big thing for them.

So when it comes to holidays for me, I usually try to come up with creative ways to show the people around me I appreciate them and love them.  For instance at Christmas I usually send my parents something meaningful and write them something.  I remember one mothers day I wrote my mom a poem (which I am sure is somewhere around her house) and she called me telling me I almost made her cry.  Last year I made my significant other cards for each holiday and just wrote from my heart.  So here we are again as we approach one big holiday around love, I am trying to come up with ways to show people I love and appreciate them, it gets hard after setting the bar so high for yourself.  I just have to remind myself that it is the little things that matter most in life.

So we will see...

Moving from 2010 to 2011

So it has been awhile since I have written in my blog.  So this year I am going to try and write in here more.  Well first off, I think 2010 was a fairly good year for me.  I continued a pretty awesome relationship.  I worked for some great clients within the company I work for.  I also started working for one of the greatest families I have met.  They have 2 wonderful kids that make me enjoy coming to work.  I graduated college, which I feel deserves recognition.  But anyways...that's enough about the past...

I welcomed the new year with open arms and totally look forward to all it may bring my way.  Even in the first 2 months of the new year I have loved it.  I have become a healthier person and someone who is for once looking forward to the things to come.  I have always known I needed to be a healthier person (even in high school), but I never really was motivated enough to do anything and kept just putting it off until a later time.  Well within the first week of January I just got up and decided I'm gonna do it and I did.

I began my journey to a new and healthier me.  I have so far managed to add more color to my diet and each meal, I wake up feeling better about myself and the day, and I have lost weight; which was much needed.

At first my thoughts were that I wasn't gonna be able to do it or that I didn't have the self-control to do it.  But as I continue to push myself to new limits, I find myself beginning to become the person I used to be.  The kid who grew up and was one of the most confident people around and would talk to anyone.  As I gained weight in high school and college I lost a lot of myself and who I was and wanted to be, I especially lost my self-confidence; which was huge to me.  I needed that back.  So instead of sitting on my ass 24/7 I get up and get out.  I honestly can't remember the last time I went to the driving range for self enjoyment, but about two weeks ago I did and it was awesome, just to be out and doing something active and fun.  I plan on starting to play tennis as the weather gets a little warmer on a consistent basis to continue to keep me focused and motivated.

I hope that my new journey will lead me to a place where I can be me in all situations and not have to fake happiness.

Here is my 2010 in some photographs:

Finally a college graduate

Brooke, Mary, Zoe, Donny, and myself went to the drive-in theater

Brooke and I drove to Florida to see my dad...

We spent a lot of time on the city pier

My sister got married...Congrats! Love you!